Fairdeal Leasing And Investment Co.Limit Ed.

Fairdeal Leasing And Investment Co.Limit Ed.

Founded in 1985 headquartered in Chhattisgarh, India.
1985 | Chhattisgarh, Chhattisgarh (India) | Inactive

Last Updated:

August 23, 2023
HomeCompanyFairdeal Leasing And Investment Co.Limit Ed.

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Financial Performance of Fairdeal Leasing And Investment Co.Limit Ed..

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Charges (Loans)


There are no open charges registered against the company as per our records.

How Many Employees Work at Fairdeal Leasing And Investment Co.Limit Ed.?

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Latest Updates, News, and FAQs on Fairdeal Leasing And Investment Co.Limit Ed.

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  • Company Incorporation

    Fairdeal Leasing And Investment Co.Limit Ed. was registered on 07 Feb 1985 with RoC-Chhattisgarh & aged 39 years 10 months as per MCA records.

    07 Feb 1985

Frequently asked questions

  • Fairdeal Leasing And Investment Co.Limit Ed. was incorporated on 07 Feb 1985.

  • The authorized share capital of Fairdeal Leasing And Investment Co.Limit Ed. is ₹ 0.50 M and paid-up capital is ₹ 8.00 K .

  • As per Ministry of Corporate Affairs (Mca), the registered address of Fairdeal Leasing And Investment Co.Limit Ed. is Kalpana House Station Road, Durg C.G. Ct, Chhattisgarh, India.

  • The corporate identification number (CIN) of Fairdeal Leasing And Investment Co.Limit Ed. is U06591CT1985PLC002744 and the company number is 002744 as per Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA).