Chennai | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Chennai? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 13201-13250 has it all.
Total Company: 51576
Location Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Location Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Location Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Location Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Location Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Ivar Estates Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing rental and providing services on commission basis.
Location Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Hospitality & Wellness Trading Tourism And Accommodation
Prg Cuisines Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing hotel services.
Location Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Romaa Infraa Developers India Private Limited was earlier known as Romaa Infra Development India Private Limited, it was formed to operate the business of infrastructure development including construction of all kinds of buildings, canals, roads, construction of townships and to act as agents to purchase for investment or resale, and generally to deal in, sell and deal in freehold and leasehold ground rents, bridges and other infrastructure development, traffic by way of sale, housing both residential and commercial, and to create, and to traffic in land and house or other property of any tenure and any interest therein, lease, and to make advances upon the security of land or house or other property or any interest therein, exchange or otherwise with land and house property and other related real estate and constructions activities.
Location Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Location Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Location Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Automobile Equipment & Machinery
A.J. Engineering Private Limited is engaged in the manufacturing of tools and components.
Location Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Location Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Lp Dairy Sunfarm Private Limited is engaged in the business of all kinds of farming, production, processing, procurement, marketing and distribution of all dairy and allied products.
Location Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Location Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Printing & Publishing Information Technology Software
Siscaso Private Limited was earlier known as Itranscripts Solutions Private Limited, The company is engaged in providing IT design and development services for applications.
Location Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Location Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Electrnoics Electrical Home Appliances
Jitsha Appliances Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing and trading jewelry of gold, silver, and other precious or base metal.
Location Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Construction Financial Services
Bsc Resources Private Limited is engaged in the business of investment in equity instruments and commercial land.
Location Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Location Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Sri Velavan Motors Private Limited is engaged in the trading of motor vehicles, motor cycles, and related parts and accessories.
Location Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Location Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Metal & Minerals Steel Agriculture
Sabari Alloys & Metals India Private Limited was earlier known as Sidhi Smelters Private Limited, The company is engaged in the manufacturing of MS ingots and TMT bars and also undertakes trading of steel and allied products.
Location Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Information Technology E-Commerce
Zwende Technologies Private Limited is engaged in providing home nursing services.
Location Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Your Neighbourhood Farmer Private Limited is engaged in the business of agriculture, its allied activities either on its own or through a joint venture.
Location Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Location Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Location Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Professional Services Food And Beverages Tourism And Accommodation Business Services
Kafroun India Private Limited was earlier known as Kafroun Foods Private Limited, it is engaged in the business of providing operations management consulting services concerning improvements to office and service operations.
Location Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Location Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Printing & Publishing Business Services Information Technology
Sai Baba Business Machines Private Limited is engaged in the business of wholesale trading of telecommunication equipment and parts thereof.
Location Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Appollo Wind Energy Private Limited is engaged in the business of producing electricity from renewable sources.
Location Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Pjr Green Homes Property Private Limited is engaged in the business of real estate consultants, flat promoters, builders, and layout developers.