Chennai | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Chennai? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 20901-20950 has it all.
Total Company: 51576
Location Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Trading Business Services Information Technology
Samvriti Screen Armour Private Limited is engaged in the business of sale of screen protection guards for laptop, wireless carrier and m-commerce markets; servicing of all types of telecom and all computer related systems, software systems, communication systems, hardware, communication systems, computers and computer-related systems, very large scale standard and semi-custom integrated circuits as well as components and parts or dealing with all products and services targeted at the enterprise, hardware systems; and manufacturing, developing, hardware systems, software systems, marketing, mobile phones and computers designing, selling and licensing telecom products, software, researching and otherwise dealing or handling all types of telecom products, designing, developing, improving, firmware and programs.
Location Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Trading Business Services Metal & Minerals Telecommunication
Continuum Ventures Private Limited is engaged in the business of trading in coal and mobile e-recharge.
Location Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Research & Development Chemicals
Snrg Pharma Consulting (India) Private Limited is engaged in the business of scientific consulting and contracting services to pharmaceutical companies and manufacture, wine, chemicals, vaccines, import, process, biologicals, export, formulate, medicines, refine, dry salters, cordials, mineral waters, antibiotics, ayurvedic and dietary supplement products, broths, nutraceuticals, wholesale or retail trade all kinds of pharmaceuticals, liquors, develop, drugs, chemical products, health care, medicinal preparations, soups, and other restoratives or foods and also to deal in medical goods.
Location Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Aj Maritime Private Limited is engaged in the business to establish, air, contract, for transporting goods, transporters, rockers, and space, organize, trailers, tractors, lorries, water, or things on all routes and lines on national and international level subject to the law in force through all sorts of carries like trucks, charter, coaches, aircraft's, haulers, develop, in all its branches on land, and to do business as fleet carriers, hovercrafts, steam oil, run, electricity, operate, trawlers, articles, diesel, boats, handle, ships, manage, barges and so on whether propelled by petrol, tankers, railways, vessels, conduct, dumpers, jeeps, lease, or any other form of products.
Location Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Printing & Publishing Broadcasting
S S Colour Impression Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing printing and publishing services.
Location Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Rkp Hospitals Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing prepared animal feeds.
Location Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Business Services Professional Services
Is Creative Private Limited is engaged in the business of photography including photography studios, photography laboratories, photo printing, photo framing and sale of all types of photographs.
Location Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Information Technology Software
Qbec Infosol Private Limited is engaged in the business of information technology, often with real-time computing constraints and the complete device often including hardware and mechanical parts and software programs, internet and network using programmable devices, design and implement, mechanical or electrical system, and design, web designing, developing, software development, embedded systems, testing and benchmarking, computer system with a dedicated function, customization, computers, implementation, control devices, and services.
Location Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Business Services Other Industry
Gormei Foods Private Limited is engaged in the business of dealing with products such as including but not limited to food and household products and allied activities either by brick and mortar or through online stores, storing, reselling, or such other available modes from time to time and to carry on the business of buying, selling, developing, trading, importing, promoting, marketing or supplying, transporting, exporting, dealing in any manner whatsoever in all type of goods on retail as well as on wholesale basis in India or elsewhere.
Location Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Sri Padmavathy Printers Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing printing and publishing services.