Broadcasting | Business Directory | The Company Check
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Total Company: 8397
Location Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Hathway Latur Mcn Cable & Datacom Private Limited was earlier known as Hathway Infomedia Cable & Datacom Private Limited, it was formed to operate the business of broadcasting, exchange, distribute, redistribute, discover, transmit, satellite television, export, buying, cable operations, exhibiting, satellite, relay, produced in-house or taken on franchise through various media including video, broadcast, import, improve, install operate and maintain, producing, exhibit all kinds of communications, cable television and radio and to provide, transmitting, research, selling, buy, design, receive, renovate, distributing, trading, direct to operator, and exporting programs, develop, sell, telecasting, wireless networking and wireless communications.
Location Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Broadcasting Printing & Publishing
Trim Media Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing security, housekeeping, and facilities management services.
Location Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Broadcasting Business Services
Eaglesight Media Private Limited is engaged in the business of satellite broadcasting, internet, electronic transmitting over television, telecasting, telecom, or any other media, radio, relaying, and advertisement services.
Location Cochin, Kerala, India
Broadcasting Telecommunication
Den Malayalam Telenet Private Limited was earlier known as Malayalam Telenet Private Limited, it is engaged in the business of providing cable television distribution and other related services.
Location Reengus, Rajasthan, India
Food And Beverages Broadcasting
Shriman Narayan Food & Beverages Private Limited was earlier known as Shri Nath Food & Beverages Private Limited, it is engaged in the business of providing information services.
Location New Delhi, Delhi, India
Entertainment Printing & Publishing Broadcasting
Dastak Media Private Limited is engaged in the manufacturing of CNC machines and machine parts.
Location Delhi, Delhi, India
Business Services Broadcasting
Idns Private Limited is engaged in the business to promote, cold storages, cinema houses, and nursing homes buildings, pull down, hire or construct, dams, industrial sheds, purchase, decorate, buy, farmhouses, or for and on behalf of others, roads, mills and factory buildings, reconstruct, alter or maintain, on won account or in association with others, wasteland, hospitals, canals, or acquiring in India or abroad, exchange, improve, renovate, develop or otherwise any lands, buildings, buildings, shops, bridges, by, sewage, sell, lease, office, buildings and to construct apartments, hydel projects, tunnels, warehouses, hereditaments and such other immovable property of any kind or any privilege.
Location Gurgaon, Haryana, India
Art Broadcasting Telecommunication
North India Digital & Broadband Network Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing broadcasting services.
Location Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Printing & Publishing Entertainment Broadcasting
Osiris Entertainment Media Private Limited is engaged in the business in India and/or abroad of advertising, media marketing and consulting and also to act as agents, entertainment media, distribution, publicity, creators, developers, and promoter of all kinds of productions, distributor, media agents, copyright owners, producer, media work and arts.
Location Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Printing & Publishing Trading Healthcare Broadcasting Logistics
Navakarnataka Publications Private Limited is engaged in the business of printing and wholesale trading of newspaper, journals, magazines, publishing of books, books, retail sale of music and video recordings (educational aids), and periodicals (including advertisements).
Location Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Information Technology Service Broadcasting Event & Shows
Dazzle Online Stream Private Limited is engaged in the business of broadcasting, up-linking, down-linking and web-casting, prices of commodities, telecasting, pre-recorded programmes, relaying, current affairs or any informative content including but not limited to stock market quotes, distributing or running audio and video clips, exhibiting, disseminating, advertising, sports, documentaries, forex and currency news, distributing, live streaming, of news, transmitting, contents and movies.
Location Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Broadcasting Service Entertainment Telecommunication
Hcv Digital Entertainment Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing telecommunications, broadcasting, and information supply services.
Location Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
Trading Business Services Broadcasting
Bionova Papercrafts Private Limited is engaged in the business to convert, clean, sell, agriculture, buy, forest wastes and residues, transport, import, industrial, trade, horticulture, produce, process, finish, manufacture, export or otherwise deal in products made from domestic, minerals and all other types of wastes including but not restricted to produce all kinds of papers and boards from waste papers.
Location Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Broadcasting Telecommunication
Wan And Lan Internet Private Limited is engaged in providing provision of direct broadband connection.
Location Patna, Bihar, India
Printing & Publishing Software Broadcasting
San Creative Solutions Private Limited is engaged in software development activity.
Location Patna, Bihar, India
Printing & Publishing Construction Broadcasting
Satellite Baba Civil Works Limited was earlier known as Satellite Baba Publishing House Limited, it is engaged in the business of providing printing and publishing services (news paper, magazine, and brochure).
Location Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Sri Venkateshwara Digital Home Entertainment Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing cable television distribution services.
Location Delhi, Delhi, India
Education & Learing Broadcasting
F S Indo International Private Limited is engaged in the business as promoters and builders.
Location Panipat, Haryana, India
Recursion International Private Limited is engaged in the business of uploading educational videos over YouTube.