Andhra Pradesh | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Andhra Pradesh? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 13151-13200 has it all.
Total Company: 29868
Location Veerampalem, Andhra Pradesh, India
Trading Business Services Food And Beverages
Sri Srithik Dairy Products Private Limited is engaged in providing home nursing services.
Location Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India
Education & Learing Business Services Service
Nord Anglia Education Infrastructure Private Limited was earlier known as People Combine Avenues Limited, The company is engaged in providing various infrastructure related services to schools.
Location East Godavari, Andhra Pradesh, India
Sarvaraya Textiles Ltd is engaged in the business of manufacturing cotton ring spun yarn.
Location Penukonda, Andhra Pradesh, India
Tourism And Accommodation Hospitality & Wellness
Koindo Hotel Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing restaurant services.
Location Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh, India
Amara Gopal Chit Funds Private Limited is engaged in the business to start and conduct conventional chit, kuries, chitty, namely transaction entered into by the company with the number of persons agreeing that every one of the contracting parties shall subscribe a certain amount of money be periodical installments for a certain definite period and that each in his turn as determined by lot or auction or by both shall be entitled to the prize amount payable in cash against sufficient security for regular payments of future subscriptions as may be provided for in the chit of kuries agreement but not to start and conduct prize and/or benefit scheme and money circulating scheme as prohibited under Section 3 of Prize, chit fund, Chits and Money Circulating Scheme (Banning) Act 1978.
Location Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India
Information Technology Software
Halien Services Private Limited is engaged in the business of designing and developing all kinds of computer software applications and importing and exporting all kinds of software applications and cloud-based applications and to sell, resell in India and abroad.
Location Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India
Narya Constructions Private Limited is engaged in the business of real estate, commercial complexes, mills, halls, apartments, land, residential flats, garages, factories, godowns, houses, buildings, dwelling houses, or other landed properties of any description and any estate or interest therein or rights connected therewith.
Location Andhra Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, India
Sri Srinivasa Par Boiled Rice And Oils Pvt Ltd is engaged in operating rice mill.
Public Administration Chemicals
Barium Chemicals Ltd is engaged in the business of manufacturers and dealers in all types of barium compounds, inorganic heavy chemicals, barium hydroxide, salt, barium carbonates, varnishes and dyestuffs and all raw materials and compounds required for the manufacture of the above products made from or with the use of any of the by-products thereof.
Location Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India
Animal Husbandry Agriculture Construction
Parumanchala Agro Farms Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing services necessary for agriculture production.
Shree Sunder Oxygen Private Limited is engaged in the business of producers, carbondioxide, and dealers in gases like oxygen, carbolic acid gas, manufacturers, nitrogen, and all other types of gases.