Shri Balaji Traders is a 7 years 11 months old Proprietorship Firm incorporated on 01-Jan-2017, having its registered office located at Shop No 1, Near Top Choraha, Kishangarh Bas, Alwar, Rajasthan.
The major activity of Shri Balaji Traders is Services, Sub-classified into Other personal service activities and is primarily engaged in the General household maintenance activities like grooming of the floor dusting cleaning of utensils etc .
Shri Balaji Traders is classified as Micro enterprise in the financial year 2020-21. It has its unit situated at Alwar, Rajasthan.
Shri Balaji Traders
Micro 2020-21 (02-Mar-2021)
Shop No 1
Near Top Choraha
Near Top Choraha
Kishangarh Bas
Nic 2 Digit | Nic 4 Digit | Nic 5 Digit | Activity |
Other personal service activities | Other personal service activities n.e.c. | General household maintenance activities like grooming of the floor, dusting, cleaning of utensils etc. | Services |
The incorporation date of Shri Balaji Traders is 01-Jan-2017.
The Udyam/Msme registration number of Shri Balaji Traders is UDYAM-RJ-02-0008563.
The registered office of Shri Balaji Traders is located at Shop No 1, Near Top Choraha, Kishangarh Bas, Alwar, Rajasthan.
The unit(s) of Shri Balaji Traders are situated at Alwar, Rajasthan.
The Shri Balaji Traders is listed as Micro enterprise under Msme.
The major activity of Shri Balaji Traders is Services.