Last Updated
November 16, 2024Vd Global Private Limited is a 10 years 9 months old Private Limited Company incorporated on 27-Mar-2014, having its registered office located at Fc-4041, Bharat Diamond Bourse, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai, Maharashtra.
The major activity of Vd Global Private Limited is Manufacturing, Sub-classified into Other manufacturing and is primarily engaged in the Working of diamonds and other precious and semiprecious stones including the working of industrial quality stones and synthetic or reconstructed precious or semiprecious stones.
Vd Global Private Limited is classified as Medium enterprise in the financial year 2023-24. It has its unit situated at Surat, Gujarat.
Vd Global Private Limited
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
10 years 9 months
Consumer Goods
Watches & Jewelry Manufacturing
Explore comprehensive data for Vd Global Private Limited, including financials, compliance details, shareholding patterns, and litigation history.
Vd Global Private Limited
Medium 2023-24 (09-May-2023)
Medium 2022-23 (26-Jun-2022)
Medium 2021-22 (09-Jun-2021)
Private Limited Company
Bharat Diamond Bourse
Bandra Kurla Complex
Bandra (East)
Nic 2 Digit | Nic 4 Digit | Nic 5 Digit | Activity |
Other manufacturing | Manufacture of jewellery and related articles | Working of diamonds and other precious and semiprecious stones including the working of industrial quality stones and synthetic or reconstructed precious or semiprecious stones | Manufacturing |
The incorporation date of Vd Global Private Limited is 27-Mar-2014.
The Udyam/Msme registration number of Vd Global Private Limited is UDYAM-MH-18-0072792.
The registered office of Vd Global Private Limited is located at Fc-4041, Bharat Diamond Bourse, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai, Maharashtra.
The unit(s) of Vd Global Private Limited are situated at Surat, Gujarat.
The Vd Global Private Limited is listed as Medium enterprise under Msme.
The major activity of Vd Global Private Limited is Manufacturing.