Bommireddy Reddy
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Bommireddy Reddy, director with Penna Limestone Quarries Limited, is registered with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), bearing DIN 00093931. He is an Indian staying in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
Bommireddy Reddy is currently associated with 2 Companies and is director wit
Active Appointment4
Previous Appointment6
Current Companies
- Shri Vijay Lakshmi Industries Limited
Location - Hyderabad, Telangana
Founded - July 05 1996
Company Status - Amalgamated
Appointment - 19 May 2006
- Penna Limestone Quarries Limited
Location - Hyderabad, Telangana
Founded - July 11 2002
Company Status - Amalgamated
Appointment - 19 May 2006
Previous Companies
- Lakshmi Sea Foods Limited
Location -Hyderabad, Telangana
Founded - October 27 1993
Company Status -Active
Appointment - 19 May 2006
- Penna Cement Industries Limited
Location -Hyderabad, Telangana
Founded - October 24 1991
Company Status -Active
Appointment - 30 Jun 2004
- Parasakti Cement Industries Limited
Location -Rangareddy, Telangana
Founded - May 14 1993
Company Status -Active
Appointment - 05 May 2005
- E-Vision Softech India Limited
Location -Hyderabad, Telangana
Founded - March 31 2000
Company Status -Active
Appointment - 19 May 2006
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