Girraj Agrawal
Hathras, Uttar Pradesh, India
Girraj Agrawal, is registered with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), bearing DIN 05119561. He is an Indian staying in Hathras, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Girraj Agrawal was previously associated with 2 companies, Shri Giriraj Infraplanner Private Limited, Shri Dauji Infraplan
Active Appointment2
Previous Appointment2
Previous Companies
- Shri Giriraj Infraplanner Private Limited
Location -Hathras, Uttar Pradesh
Founded - May 18 2012
Company Status -Converted To Llp
Appointment - 18 May 2012
- Shri Dauji Infraplanner Private Limited
Location -Agra, Uttar Pradesh
Founded - November 17 2011
Company Status -Converted To Llp
Appointment - 17 Nov 2011
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