Manoj Harbhajanka, director with Excel Tubes India Pvt Ltd, is registered with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), bearing DIN 00361576. Manoj Harbhajanka is currently associated with 3 Companies and is director with Excel Tubes India Pvt Ltd, Masco Overseas PvtLtd, Acuiti Labs (
Active Appointment0
Previous Appointment3
TotalLocation - Kolkata, West Bengal
Founded - May 20 1994
Company Status - Strike Off
Appointment - 20 May 1994
Location - Kolkata, West Bengal
Founded - May 24 1994
Company Status - Strike Off
Appointment -
Location - Pune, Maharashtra
Founded - May 26 2016
Company Status - Active
Appointment - 26 May 2016
Based on most searched companies on The Company Check.