Mewa Bola
Jhujhunu, Rajasthan, India
Mewa Bola, is registered with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), bearing DIN 01868148. He is an Indian staying in Jhujhunu, Rajasthan, India.
Mewa Bola was previously associated with 2 companies, Shree Nath Heritage Liquor Private Limited, Utthan Township And Land Develop
Active Appointment2
Previous Appointment2
Previous Companies
- Shree Nath Heritage Liquor Private Limited
Location -Jhujhunu, Rajasthan
Founded - December 03 2003
Company Status -Active
Appointment - 20 May 2008
- Utthan Township And Land Development Private Limited
Location -Jaipur, Rajasthan
Founded - September 20 2004
Company Status -Active
Appointment - 20 Oct 2004
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