Prakash Parmar
Diu, Daman & Diu, India
Prakash Parmar, is registered with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), bearing DIN 06901969. He is an Indian staying in Diu, Daman & Diu, India.
Prakash Parmar was previously associated with 1 company, Dadra AndnHaveli Daman Anddiu Sc\St Obc AndminFin AnddevCorpn Ltd.
Active Appointment1
Previous Appointment1
Previous Companies
- Dadra Andn.Haveli Daman Anddiu Sc\St Obc Andmin.Fin Anddev.Corpn. Ltd
Location -Valsad, Gujarat
Founded - July 12 1993
Company Status -Active
Appointment - 09 Sep 2002
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