Rameshbhai Makadia
Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Rameshbhai Makadia, is registered with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), bearing DIN 06782715. He is an Indian staying in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
Rameshbhai Makadia was previously associated with 2 companies, Dr Ambedkar Antyodaya Development Corporation, Gujarat Safa
Active Appointment2
Previous Appointment2
Previous Companies
- Dr. Ambedkar Antyodaya Development Corporation
Location -Gandhi Nagar, Gujarat
Founded - October 01 2014
Company Status -Active
Appointment - 01 Oct 2014
- Gujarat Safai Kamdar Vikas Nigam
Location -Gandhi Nagar, Gujarat
Founded - October 24 2001
Company Status -Active
Appointment - 27 Sep 2013
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