Satya Swami
Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Satya Swami, is registered with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), bearing DIN 00656331. He is an Indian staying in Kolkata, West Bengal, India.
Satya Swami was previously associated with 2 companies, Maa Jagdamba Manufacturing Company PvtLtd, Singhi Capital Finance Priva
Active Appointment2
Previous Appointment2
Previous Companies
- Maa Jagdamba Manufacturing Company Pvt.Ltd.
Location -Kolkata, West Bengal
Founded - May 12 1995
Company Status -Active
Appointment - 12 May 1995
- Singhi Capital Finance Private Limited
Location -Kolkata, West Bengal
Founded - January 20 1986
Company Status -Active
Appointment - 20 Jan 1986
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