Case Details

Asian Distributors Pvt. Ltd. Thr. Ashok Mundhada Vs Zenith Steel Pipes And Industries Ltd.

Case Details

casenoCase TypeSpl.C.S.
casenoFiling Number379/2021
casenoRegistration Number45/2021
caseno Filing Date22-01-2021
hearingRegistration Date22-01-2021
hearingFirst Hearing Date02nd February 2021
dateDecision Date07th May 2021
casestatusCase StatusCase Disposed
courtCourt Number and Judge47-Joint Civil Judge Senior Division Thane;
natureNature of DisposalUncontested--Withdrawn Before Evidence;

Petitioners & Respondents


Asian Distributors Pvt. Ltd. Thr. Ashok Mundhada, ;

contactsPetitioner Advocate

Tipre Tejas Ravindra;

contacts Respondent Name

Zenith Steel Pipes And Industries Ltd.;

Order Details


Order Details

Order not found.

Final Order Judgement

orderdateOrder Date07-05-2021 documents
1 Asian Distributors Pvt. Ltd. Thr. Constituted Attorney Vs. Zenith Steel Pipes and Ind. Ltd. (CNR No. MHTH02-000379-2021) ORDER BELOW EXH.1  IN SPL. CIVIL SUIT No.45/2021 1] The matter  is  compromised between plaintiff    and defendant.   Plaintiff and defendant have filed consent terms at Exh.17. Hence I pass following order:­ O R D E R 1. Suit of plaintiff  is disposed off as compromised. 2. Decree be drawn up in terms of consent terms at Exh.17. 3. Court Fee be refunded as per rules.  Thane. ( S. S. Indalkar) Date :07/05/2021  Jt. Civil Judge S.D., Thane.