Kamal Containers

Mumbai, Maharashtra


Kamal Containers is a 29 years 9 months old Partnership Firm incorporated on 08-Nov-1994, having its registered office located at A-46, New Empire Indl. Estate, Kondivita Road, Near Pidilite, Jb Nagar, Mumbai, Maharashtra.
The major activity of Kamal Containers is Manufacturing, Sub-classified into Manufacture of rubber and plastics products and is primarily engaged in the Manufacture of other plastics products n e c.
Kamal Containers is classified as Small enterprise in the financial year 2023-24. It has its unit situated at Palghar, Maharashtra.

Organisation Details

  • Name of Enterprise

    Kamal Containers
  • Type of Enterprise

    Small 2023-24 (09-May-2023)

    Small 2022-23 (26-Jun-2022)

    Small 2021-22 (16-May-2021)

  • Organisation Type

  • Date of Incorporation

  • Major Activity

  • Social Category

  • Date of Commencement of Production/Business


Official Address

Flat/Door/Block No.


Name of Premises/ Building

New Empire Indl. Estate


Kondivita Road


Near Pidilite


Jb Nagar





Pin Code



Palghar, Palghar, Maharashtra

Kamal Containers, 83 & 84, Genesis Industrial Complex, Village Kolgaon, Genesis Road, Palghar, Palghar, Maharashtra, 401404

Palghar, Palghar, Maharashtra

Kamal Containers, 49, Genesis Industrial Complex, Village Kolgaon, Genesis Road, Palghar, Palghar, Maharashtra, 401404

Palghar, Palghar, Maharashtra

Kamal Containers, 50, Genesis Industrial Complex, Village Kolgaon, Genesis Road, Palghar, Palghar, Maharashtra, 401404

Palghar, Palghar, Maharashtra

Kamal Containers, Shed No.2, Plot No.11 & 85 Zenith Industrial Estate, Village Kolgaon, Genesis Road, Palghar, Palghar, Maharashtra, 401404

National Industry Classification

Nic 2 DigitNic 4 DigitNic 5 DigitActivity
Manufacture of rubber and plastics productsManufacture of plastics productsManufacture of other plastics products n.e.cManufacturing

Similar Organisation

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  • Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Frequently asked questions

  • What is the incorporation date of Kamal Containers?

    The incorporation date of Kamal Containers is 08-Nov-1994.

  • What is the Udyam/Msme registration number of Kamal Containers?

    The Udyam/Msme registration number of Kamal Containers is UDYAM-MH-19-0031400.

  • Where is the registered office of Kamal Containers located?

    The registered office of Kamal Containers is located at A-46, New Empire Indl. Estate, Kondivita Road, Near Pidilite, Jb Nagar, Mumbai, Maharashtra.

  • Where are the unit(s) of Kamal Containers situated?

    The unit(s) of Kamal Containers are situated at Palghar, Maharashtra.

  • Under which category of MSME Kamal Containers is listed?

    The Kamal Containers is listed as Small enterprise under Msme.

  • What is the major activity of Kamal Containers?

    The major activity of Kamal Containers is Manufacturing.