Oasis Infra

Mumbai, Maharashtra


Oasis Infra is a 8 years 6 months old Proprietorship Firm incorporated on 09-Feb-2016, having its registered office located at Office No-103, Sumer Nagar-2 Near Kora Kendra, Office No103, Borivali West, Mumbai, Maharashtra.
The major activity of Oasis Infra is Manufacturing, Sub-classified into Manufacture of other nonmetallic mineral products and is primarily engaged in the Manufacture of other cement and plaster n e c .
Oasis Infra is classified as Small enterprise in the financial year 2023-24. It has its unit situated at Palghar, Maharashtra.

Organisation Details

  • Name of Enterprise

    Oasis Infra
  • Type of Enterprise

    Small 2023-24 (09-May-2023)

    Small 2022-23 (26-Jun-2022)

    Small 2021-22 (16-May-2021)

  • Organisation Type

  • Date of Incorporation

  • Major Activity

  • Social Category

  • Date of Commencement of Production/Business


Official Address

Flat/Door/Block No.

Office No-103

Name of Premises/ Building

Sumer Nagar-2 Near Kora Kendra




Office No-103


Borivali West





Pin Code



Palghar, Palghar, Maharashtra

Oasis Infra, 113/3P 1 112/7, Sasunavghar, Vasai, 113/3P 1 112/7, Behind New Kathiawadi Hotel, Palghar, Palghar, Maharashtra, 401208

National Industry Classification

Nic 2 DigitNic 4 DigitNic 5 DigitActivity
Manufacture of other nonmetallic mineral productsManufacture of cement, lime and plasterManufacture of other cement and plaster n.e.c.Manufacturing

Similar Organisation

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Frequently asked questions

  • What is the incorporation date of Oasis Infra?

    The incorporation date of Oasis Infra is 09-Feb-2016.

  • What is the Udyam/Msme registration number of Oasis Infra?

    The Udyam/Msme registration number of Oasis Infra is UDYAM-MH-19-0044222.

  • Where is the registered office of Oasis Infra located?

    The registered office of Oasis Infra is located at Office No-103, Sumer Nagar-2 Near Kora Kendra, Office No103, Borivali West, Mumbai, Maharashtra.

  • Where are the unit(s) of Oasis Infra situated?

    The unit(s) of Oasis Infra are situated at Palghar, Maharashtra.

  • Under which category of MSME Oasis Infra is listed?

    The Oasis Infra is listed as Small enterprise under Msme.

  • What is the major activity of Oasis Infra?

    The major activity of Oasis Infra is Manufacturing.