Chandivali Powai | Business Directory | The Company Check

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  • Oneoak Lifestyle City Private Limited

    Location Chandivali Powai, Maharashtra, India


    Oneoak Lifestyle City Private Limited is engaged in the business to purchase, and agents, builders, improve, gardens, group housing, streets, farmhouses, buildings and works thereon and to convert and appropriate any such land into the road, estates, townships and civil works of every description rebuilds, sell, colonizers contractors, multi-storied buildings or any structure of every description including commercial, alter and improve existing houses, assign, flats, let, and other conveniences and generally to act as real estate developers, residential, develop, manage, colonies, enlarge, mortgage, own, hire or otherwise acquire and/or sell of any type of lands or properties of any tenure or interest therein and to erect and construct houses, in India or abroad.