Haveri | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Haveri? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 1-50 has it all.
Total Company: 151
Location Haveri, Karnataka, India
Location Haveri, Karnataka, India
Hiregoudar Automobiles Private Limited is engaged in trading of motor vehicles, and parts.
Location Haveri, Karnataka, India
Shichi Agro India Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing, distributing, importing and exporting of fertilizer, chemicals, organics, selling, nutrients and other agricultural and chemical products.
Location Haveri, Karnataka, India
Sunshine Agri Science Private Limited is engaged in providing agricultural, forestry and fishing services.
Location Haveri, Karnataka, India
Kumadwati Horticulture Farmers Producer Company Limited is engaged in the business of agriculture activities such as production, procurement, selling, grading, handling, pooling, harvesting, marketing, the export of primary produce.
Location Haveri, Karnataka, India
Haveri Scan Centre Private Limited is engaged in providing healthcare and hospital services.
Location Haveri, Karnataka, India
Chetana Chits Haveri Private Limited is engaged in the business of conducting chits, weekly, daily, bi-weekly, with a view to encouraging the members to save money by making easy and periodical payments, subject to the provisions of the chit fund act, monthly and bi-monthly, 1982.
Location Haveri, Karnataka, India
Service Business Services Professional Services
Navachetana Employees Welfare Private Limited is engaged in the business to hold office and act as a trustee of the Navachetana Group Employees Share Trust in accordance with the constitution; to promote the objects of the that trust in any manner, administration and management of the that trust; and to undertake, do and perform all things that the board shall consider necessary, either alone or with others; to exercise all powers exercisable by the trustee of that trust under the constitution in the promotion, desirable or appropriate.
Location Haveri, Karnataka, India
Trading Professional Services Electrnoics
Navachetana Enterprises Haveri Private Limited was earlier known as Amrut Dairy And Food Products Private Limited, The company is engaged in trading in radio, television and other consumer electronics including CD/DVD players and recorders.
Location Haveri, Karnataka, India
Navachetana Microfin Services Private Limited was earlier known as Navachetana Microfin Services Limited, The company is engaged in activities related to empowerment of women apart from micro-finance lending.