Sitamarhi | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Sitamarhi? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 1-50 has it all.
Total Company: 367
Location Sitamarhi, Bihar, India
Jpp Agri & Organic Products Private Limited is engaged in the business to cultivate, or otherwise deal in all kinds of agricultural produces, plant, process, forest produces, import, produce, export, flower bulbs, sell, flowers, vegetables, herbal produces, the garden produces, formulate, buy, fruits, seeds and their derivatives and by-products.
Location Sitamarhi, Bihar, India
Shiv Onkar Plasto Private Limited was earlier known as Shiv Onkar Constructions Private Limited, it was formed to operate the business to manufacture, design, gift articles, varieties, convert, develop and to act as agent, ropes, applications of systems, concessionaire, collaborator or otherwise deal in all shapes, capacities, commercialize, consultant, broker, sizes, building materials, process, produce, bottle, colors, caps and seals and other allied materials with or without combinations of other ferrous and non-ferrous materials and to do incidental acts and necessary for the attainment of the above objects.
Location Sitamarhi, Bihar, India
Nextel Wireless Private Limited is engaged in providing full range of data, voice and hosting services to business and residential customers using state of art wireless technology.