Imphal West | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Imphal West? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 1-50 has it all.
Total Company: 130
Location Imphal West, Manipur, India
Hospitality & Wellness Tourism And Accommodation
Shija Hospitality Private Limited is engaged in the business of discotheques, conference facilities, the business of hotels of every kind and sort, spa, bars, libraries, meeting rooms, amusement and recreational facilities, cab and motor car providers, or other entities and bodies of any kind, convention centres, laundry, coach, casinos, health club, restaurants, fitness centres, tavern, banquet facilities, retail and service shops, serviced apartments, swimming pool, clubs, saloons, government, companies, caterers, in India or elsewhere, cafv©, shopping galleria, bakery, including hotel rooms, function halls, housekeeping, along with all the conveniences, beauty parlors, pubs, either alone or jointly with one or more persons, offices, amenities and facilities adjunct thereto and such other facilities as may be provided in hotels of all kinds.
Location Imphal West, Manipur, India
Location Imphal West, Manipur, India
Location Imphal West, Manipur, India
Professional Services Software Information Technology
Cubeten Technologies Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing software solutions and IT-enabled services.
Location Imphal West, Manipur, India
Location Imphal West, Manipur, India
Financial Services Service Business Services
Boyo Private Limited is engaged in the business of consultancy of the asset management company, to run the business of stock trading and maintain the trader accounts, to participate in the trading of equities, derivatives, sub-brokers, and to run the business a stockbroker, commodities and other relative derivatives.
Location Imphal West, Manipur, India
Cygen Consultancy Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing consultancy services.
Location Imphal West, Manipur, India
Business Services Food And Beverages
Suigeneris Agronomy Private Limited is engaged in the business of processing and trading CC tea.