Koppal | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Koppal? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 1-50 has it all.
Total Company: 114
Location Koppal, Karnataka, India
Prabhuraj Solar Energy Private Limited was earlier known as Nbm Hospitality Private Limited, it is engaged in the business of production and distribution of all kinds of power including solar, wind and other allied power.
Location Koppal, Karnataka, India
Business Services Education & Learing
Dambal-Shivadeep Foundation is engaged in the business of providing education services.
Location Koppal, Karnataka, India
Smrt Logistics Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing land transport services; transport via pipelines.
Location Koppal, Karnataka, India
Dhanya Producer Company Limited is engaged in the business of production, processing, and export of seeds, procurement, pooling, selling, marketing, grading, handling, harvesting, nuts, and spices (i.
Location Koppal, Karnataka, India
Hospet Ispat Private Limited was earlier known as Hospet Ispat Limited, it was formed to operate the business of importers, all types of high carbons, low carbon, fire bricks, manufacturers, exporters, ferroalloy, all types of refractories, medium carbon, and resellers of coke, ferrous and non-ferrous, pipes, petroleum coke, steel and its products.
Location Koppal, Karnataka, India
Abhinava Autoden Llp is engaged in the business of buying, buses, motorcycles, dealing in automobiles, motorcars, scooters, motor, vans, lorries, carriages, and vehicles of all descriptions, selling, new technology E.
Location Koppal, Karnataka, India
Business Services Healthcare Professional Services
Hospet Steels Limited is engaged in the business of providing management services for steel plants.
Location Koppal, Karnataka, India
Construction Energy Engineering Professional Services Renewable Energy
Vr Patil Vividh Vidyuth Nirman Private Limited is engaged in executing turnkey electrical engineering contract works and solar power generation.
Location Koppal, Karnataka, India
Automobile Printing & Publishing Transportation Software
Yaana Smart Technologies Private Limited is engaged in the business of bicycle sharing service that can be used for urban commute with IoT technology, can pick a bicycle, get wherever you are going, park at any nearby designated parking station and carry on with your life.