Lakhisarai | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Lakhisarai? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 1-50 has it all.
Total Company: 152
Location Lakhisarai, Bihar, India
Maharani Rice Mills Private Limited is engaged in the business of millers in rice mills for processing, policing, packing, refining, marketing of paddy and other allied products and to manufacture any byproducts and to manufacture food product from paddy of all kinds and description and to set up factories or mills for the manufacture thereof.
Location Lakhisarai, Bihar, India
Lakhisarai Farmer Producer Company Limited is engaged in the business of growing crops, market gardening, horticulture and other allied activities.
Location Lakhisarai, Bihar, India
Location Lakhisarai, Bihar, India
Location Lakhisarai, Bihar, India
Construction Food And Beverages
Ganesh Sai Contractor & Construction Private Limited is engaged in the business carry on the business of importing and exporting, acquiring, iron ore, crushing, processing, developing, buying, distributing, producing, manganese, storing, transporting and otherwise dealing in all kinds and classes of stones and mineral substances like chromites, re-treating, treating, sand, selling, fire clay, trading, dolomite and limestone.
Location Lakhisarai, Bihar, India
Ice River Agro Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing information technology services.