Kheda | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Kheda? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 101-150 has it all.
Total Company: 329
Location Kheda, Gujarat, India
Kanaiya Foods (India) Limited is engaged in the business as to manufacture, refine, bottle, buy, can, pack, prepare, and deal in all types of ready to eat and semi ready to eat foods, vegetable, grains, paste foods, poultry, eggs, fruits, process, sell, preserve, meats, and dairy products.
Location Kheda, Gujarat, India
Laxminarayan Mines Private Limited is engaged in the business of quarrying of stone, sand and clay.
Location Kheda, Gujarat, India
Warehousing Business Services Real Estate
Vijay Stock Depot India Private Limited is engaged in the business of rental or leasing services of factories, office, building, ware house.
Location Kheda, Gujarat, India
Pra Swami Foods Private Limited is engaged in the business to manufacture, process, kirana items, produce, food grains including wheat, oil, sugar, dry fruits, tea, rice, cereals, pulses, trade and deal in all types of agricultural and vitamin food products, oats, millet gram, and other allied products and all kinds of cereals other eatable agricultural products.
Location Kheda, Gujarat, India
Trading Financial Services Tobacco
Pitisons Tobacco Private Limited was earlier known as Pitisons Investments & Tobacco Company Private Limited, it is engaged in the business of manufacturing of bidis and trading of tobacco.
Location Kheda, Gujarat, India
Location Kheda, Gujarat, India
Wood Industrial Manufacturing Packaging
Associated Woodrums Manufacturing Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing wooden drums for cable, conductor, packing boxes and wooden palate.
Location Kheda, Gujarat, India
Food And Beverages Metal & Minerals
H.M. Industrial Private Limited is engaged in diversified business segments, such as cotton ginning, seed crushing and stainless steel/seamless pipes and tubes manufacturing.