Kolkoata | Business Directory | The Company Check

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  • Shree Narayan Infra Realty Private Limited

    Location Kolkoata, West Bengal, India

    Construction Professional Services

    Shree Narayan Infra Realty Private Limited is engaged in the business to acquire by purchase, shopping malls, resorts, building and hereditaments of any tenure or description including agricultural, hire or otherwise develop or operate land, shops, gardens, exhibition centres, groves, entertainment centres, farms, houses, lease, gardens, multiplex complexes, quarries, reconstructing, club houses, furnishing and maintaining hotels, improving, plantations and any estate or interest therein and any right over or connected with land and buildings so situates or to turn the same to account as may seem expedient and in particular by preparing building sites and by constructing, markets, bars, mills, hostels, workshops, restaurants, mines, exchange, cold storages, wharves, rooms flats, factories, orchards, gym, convention halls, altering, tea or coffee gardens, land, warehouses, offices, decorating, I.