Education | Business Directory | The Company Check
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Total Company: 32583
Location Kaithal, Haryana, India
Springworld Welfare Foundation is engaged in the business to promote educational services, social welfare objects, art services, and for that purpose to do or perform or cause to be performed or done all and every act, impart or become instrumental for providing and rendering quality education and other services for every individual, and thing in the name of the organization or for and /or on behalf of the organization, deed, matter, the doing of all such other lawful things as considered necessary for the furtherance of the above objects.
Location Rajkot, Gujarat, India
Eguruji Learning Academy Private Limited is engaged in the business providing services of e-learning, e-solutions through web-technologies, web-based and web-enabled services and applications, supply, install, sale, e-education, own, internet and e-commerce, develop, media portals, host, internet solutions, internet gateways, create, establish, including to design, internet service providers, purchase, e-commerce education, e-commerce platforms, provide, maintain, e-commerce service provider, web-site designing, internet networks, facilitate, e-commerce solutions, e-commerce, operate, license or otherwise deal in internet portals, e-commerce technologies and e-business solutions.
Location New Delhi, Delhi, India
Scholastic Knowledge is engaged in the business to promote education and undertake educational activities and educational services, secondary and higher education in the fields of commerce, music, arts, law, building, dance, managing or taking over the management of, boarding houses, science, acting, including by establishing and or operating, operating and running in India or abroad, journalism, universities, architecture, pharmacy, schools, engineering, developing, management, teaching institutes for primary, medical, colleges, sports, hospitality and many more.
Location Delhi, Delhi, India
Professional Services Education & Learing
Excelsior Planning And Management Private Limited is engaged in the business of activities of employment placement agencies.