Sports & Events | Business Directory | The Company Check
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Total Company: 13197
Location Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Entertainment Sports Real Estate
Jaipur Pink Panthers Private Limited is engaged in the business of sports and recreational sports services.
Location Jhotwara, Rajasthan, India
Fantasy Khiladi Private Limited is engaged in the business of repairing, overhauling, and rebuilding of automobile engines.
Location Pune, Maharashtra, India
Sports Entertainment Event & Shows
Dfl Fashionistas India Private Limited is engaged in the business in India or elsewhere to initiate, event management, cameras, apparatus, chemical and other necessary materials for sets, parties, establish, research, cinemas, marketing programs museums, consult, coordinate, take on hire and otherwise acquire all or any machinery, develop, create, execute, including the running theaters, manage, provide services of fashion designers and to act as a consultant, distribution of films and motion pictures, organize, exhibitions, run, studios and cinematographic shows and exhibitions and publication of all kinds of magazines and to buy, promote, design, instruments, arrange, assist, concert, decorations or ornaments furniture and fixtures and other articles and things as deemed necessary in connection with the business of the company.
Location Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Bachchan Corporation Private Limited is engaged in motion picture, video and television programme production, sound recording and music publishing activities.
Location Metroplex,Ijmima Complex, Maharashtra, India
Sports Entertainment Information Technology
Mint Studio Vj Nirav (Opc) Private Limited is engaged in the business to act and provide advisory, slides in all languages of the world and all types of Indian and foreign motion pictures, dubbing rights, revise, sell, to act as owners of copyright, generate, expose, audio rights, feature films on-science and technology, educational films, of all kinds of feature films motion pictures, convert, assemble, edit, expose, manipulate, technical, export and also to act as distributor, generate, process, depict, proprietor, advertising films, managerial and consultancy services for internet services providers and any other services in the area of information technology and to produce, promote, agent, develop, exhibit, cultural and historical films, reprint, alter, animation films, display, import, buy, video rights, portray, depict, documentary films, print, reveal, duplicate, broker, television multimedia and digital software.