Sports & Events | Business Directory | The Company Check
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Total Company: 13197
Location Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Bachchan Corporation Private Limited is engaged in motion picture, video and television programme production, sound recording and music publishing activities.
Location Trivandrum, Kerala, India
Tourism And Accommodation Sports Entertainment
Kimshealth Executive Leisure Private Limited is engaged in the business of operating worker hostel and boarding houses.
Location Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India
Parul Sports Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing, online advertising, physical training and bodybuilding equipment, sole selling, and purchasing, whole selling and retail out-letting, online promoting, importing, shot puts for field sports, supplying, trading, gymnastic apparatus, exporting, leg weights, sportswear, sports souvenirs, medal and trophies, online selling, and garments, sports shoes, sports equipment, whether as contractors or otherwise dealing in all type of sports goods, sole buying, machines for physical exercises, sports banners, armors and body protectors for sports use.
Location Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Entertainment Hospitality & Wellness Sports
Pro-Fit Fitness Solutions Private Limited is engaged in the business in India or elsewhere the business to establish, provide, build, manage, acquire, run, promote, develop, construct, organize, take on hire or lease, maintain, erect and to handle health club and many more.
Location Metroplex,Ijmima Complex, Maharashtra, India
Sports Entertainment Information Technology
Mint Studio Vj Nirav (Opc) Private Limited is engaged in the business to act and provide advisory, slides in all languages of the world and all types of Indian and foreign motion pictures, dubbing rights, revise, sell, to act as owners of copyright, generate, expose, audio rights, feature films on-science and technology, educational films, of all kinds of feature films motion pictures, convert, assemble, edit, expose, manipulate, technical, export and also to act as distributor, generate, process, depict, proprietor, advertising films, managerial and consultancy services for internet services providers and any other services in the area of information technology and to produce, promote, agent, develop, exhibit, cultural and historical films, reprint, alter, animation films, display, import, buy, video rights, portray, depict, documentary films, print, reveal, duplicate, broker, television multimedia and digital software.