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Total Company: 13197
Location Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Sports Entertainment Real Estate
Surabhi Living Heritage Private Limited is engaged in the business of conducting all operations required for setting up and running all elements of heritage theme parks, workshops, seminars, programs, exhibits and cultural centers and being involved in organizing cultural events, museums, shows, training programs and other programs as well as setting up and maintaining audiovisual cultural archives.
Location Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
Sportjunki Fantasy Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing off the shelf, design, marketing, ready to use internet, business consultation and domestic roaming, website planning, online registration to connect the internet, maintenance, promotion, sponsoring events, security from virus attack and control on site accessed and to operate.
Location Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Sports Entertainment Other Industry
Arvind Indigo Foundation is engaged in the business of construction of multi-dwelling residential buildings.