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Total Company: 13197
Location Tuticorin-2., Tamil Nadu, India
Art Sports Entertainment Broadcasting
Tuticorin Cinema Co Private Limited is engaged in broadcasting and showing of original films and sound recordings.
Location Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Qtp Entertainment Private Limited is engaged in the business in the field of all creative arts and event management in India and overseas, online media, magazines and instruments/equipment/accessories used in various art forms and live events, newsletters, live performances, film, manage cultural spaces and institutions, television, publish, music and other creative arts, cultural activities and festivals, deal in live entertainment, dance, trade in and distribute plays, produce and manage activities related to theatre, conduct educational and training programmes and workshops; for the purpose aforesaid and to promote all aspects and types of creative arts.
Location Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Sports Tourism And Accommodation
Blue Sky Nature & Adventure Private Limited is engaged in outdoor tourism and hospitality.