Sports & Events | Business Directory | The Company Check
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Total Company: 13197
Location Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Rangeela Pictures Private Limited is engaged in the business of production and distribution of cinematographic films, short films, and web series.
Location Rohini, Delhi, India
Azumairo Productions Private Limited is engaged in the business of production, documentary films, distribution, publicity, telefilms, video films, advertising films, amusement, exhibition, TV serials, and films and motion pictures of all kinds and nature for entertainment, talkie films, import and export of all kinds of cine films, education and instruction in all languages prevailing in the world.
Location Gurugram, Haryana, India
Amrita Entertainment And Sports Private Limited is engaged in the business to own, as well as sports leagues and associations, recreational areas, or other sports-related businesses including bowling centers, and ski facilities and to operate professional sports teams, fitness and health clubs, operate or manage in or anywhere in India fitness centers, marinas, are also included in this industry.
Location Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Varun Films Productions Private Limited is engaged in the business to produce, prepare, edit, run, proprietor, import, alter, advertising films, make, finish, duplicate, dubbing rights, exhibit, buy, distributor, develop, cinema halls, sell, TV serials, print, treat, expose, tele films, documentary films, audio rights, reprint, theaters, remake, process, web series and to act as agent, export cine films, owners of copy rights, display, convert, broker, cinema studio and film processing labs owners and other related works.