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Total Company: 13197
Location Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Merchant Records Private Limited is engaged in the business of developing and/or procuring sound recording contents, producing and/or acquiring sound recordings and cinematographic films and exploiting the copyright in and to such sound recordings and the literary and musical works associated therewith and inter-alia owns or otherwise controls the copyrights in and to the original literary and musical works of the Hindi language songs/compositions or any other language songs/ composition.
Location Kottayam, Kerala, India
Outcast Cinemas Private Limited is engaged in the business of production, including the running theaters, and distribution of films and motion pictures, studios, cinemas, and cinematographic shows and exhibitions.
Location Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Sports Entertainment Other Industry
Beerala Sports Private Limited is engaged in the business to undertake all kinds of commercial activities in the sports and sports related health fields including the providing of sports infrastructure, maintenance and taking on or leasing out stadiums (Indoor and outdoor) or playerÕs, ground, ground men, providing coaching to players, construction, engaging umpires, consultancy, maintaining sports teams, organize sports events, and undertaking other related sports and cultural activities.
Location Gurugram, Haryana, India
Sports Entertainment Event & Shows
Zaeden Music Private Limited is engaged in the business of event management, artist management, booking agency for booking shows for artists in India or abroad and acting as an agency on commission basis, contracting a deal between the venue / event organizer or promoter of an event and charging commission from artists revenue or charging commission from client.