Sports & Events | Business Directory | The Company Check
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Total Company: 13197
Location Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India
Education & Learing Sports Entertainment Event & Shows
Smashtress Sports And Stress Management India Private Limited is engaged in organizing several indoor and outdoor tournaments for sports people.
Location Sangli, Maharashtra, India
Gavalis World Records Private Limited is engaged in the business to give certifications of national record and world records, artists, competitions, certification of appreciation and honor, students, professional, to certificated talented peoples, publishing books-magazines advertising of different brand-products, organize programmers, award function, doctors, teachers among others.
Location Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Sports Entertainment Business Services
Oriental Melodies Private Limited is engaged in the business to hire, and or on such other means of arrangement, take on royalty, conductors, engage, poets or such other persons, actors, musicians, authors, artist, firms, singers, music directors, in all kinds of music and musical programs.
Location Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
All Rounder Fantasy Sports India Private Limited is engaged in the business to establish, gym, gems, matches and to achieve this purpose establish, coaching of gems, gems, hire stadiums for organizing sports, manage, take on lease, manage, and appoint coaches, run, run, matches, hostels, construct, hire training center, health club, maintain, sports especially sports, coaching center, swimming pools, construct, maintain, training, among others.