Sports & Events | Business Directory | The Company Check
Find companies in your Sports & Events on The Company Check directory. Page 11951-12000 has it all.
Total Company: 13197
Location Sanjay Nagar, Karnataka, India
Sports Entertainment Real Estate
Augur Sports Ventures Private Limited is engaged in the business to construct, execution, equip, carrying out equipment, execute, support maintain, carry out, or control of all such works and conveniences as aforesaid and to undertake, administer, control and superintend within or outside the country anywhere in the world all kinds of indoor and outdoor sporting and recreational activities for or in relation to the construction, carry out, manage, improve, improvement, execute, operate, develop, design, administration, work, dispose of or otherwise turn to account the same.
Location Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Transworld Cultural And Sports Foundation is engaged in the business to undertake, carry on or help to carry on charitable activities in the fields of sports including, conduct, but not limited to facilitate and assist upkeep and maintenance of sports fields/grounds to be utilized by the community for various sporting activity.
Location Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Art Sports Entertainment Event & Shows
Evex Events & Exhibitions Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing exhibition services.
Location Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Manikarnika Films Private Limited was earlier known as Kangana Ranaut Films Private Limited, it is engaged in the business of making of feature films.
Location Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Artra Palettes Private Limited was earlier known as Music Mania Private Limited, it is engaged in the business of dealing medicines, surgical items, medical-related drugs, and pharmaceutical.