Ahmednagar | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Ahmednagar? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 1701-1750 has it all.
Total Company: 2027
Location Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India
Non-Profit Organizations Agriculture
Bhudhan Fertilizers And Pesticides Foundation is engaged in the business to purchase, take on lease or in exchange or in any other lawful manner any area, building, structures and to turn the same into account, land, acquire, develop the same and dispose of or maintain the same and to build townships, markets or other buildings residential and commercial or conveniences thereon.
Location Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India
Souurish Solar Private Limited is engaged in the business of transmission of electricity.
Location Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India
Agriculture Animal Husbandry Fertilizers
Kk Pragat Farmers Producer Company Limited is engaged in the business of production, dairy products, re-packing, grading, processing, handling, fruits and vegetables, fruits syrups, venting, floriculture, drying, canning, marketing, packing, cash crops, cold storage providers, distilling, pesticides, freezing, buying, refining, consumables, brewing, machinery, equipment, manufacturing, food grains, storing, animal husbandry (including poultry), fertilizers, pulses, selling, agricultural inputs, distributors, merchants, processing, seeds or import of goods or services for their benefit either by itself or through other institution of all kinds of agricultural goods including other primary produce and any by-products, harvesting, pooling, oilseeds, acting as stock agents, preserving, exporting primary produce of the members such as cereals, procurement, fodder crops, joint product thereof.
Location Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India
Musical Instruments Manufacturing Other Industry Automobile
Saisuman Auto Components Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing of automobile parts, accessories, precision components, and job-work.
Location Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India
Wagheshwari Milk And Agro Product Private Limited is engaged in manufacturing of pasteurized milk.
Location Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India
Agriculture Food And Beverages
Nilgirij Dairy & Farm Producer Company Limited is engaged in the trading of milk and agro products.
Location Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India
Jdrs Agro Foods Private Limited is engaged in the business of process, exporting, preserved foods, packing, importing, selling, producing, health foods, agro foods, extracting, seafood, refining, freezing, poultry products, protein foods, precooked foods, fast foods, health and diet drinks, extruded foods, milk foods, preserving, packed foods, manufacturing, mixing, dehydrated foods, buying, food products, trade and deal in all types of agriculture products like as processing foods, and other confectionery products and other agro-food products in and outside India.
Location Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India
Tourism And Accommodation Hospitality & Wellness
Brp Hotel (India) Private Limited is engaged in the business of running hotels, cafes, shops, food courts, restrooms, and lodging facilities, guest houses, spirit merchant, mobile food counters, stores, holiday camps, beer houses, cafeterias, health clubs, resorts, canteens, restaurants, wine, motels, swimming pools, among others.
Location Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India
Animal Husbandry Fertilizers Agriculture
B G Agro Processing Private Limited is engaged in the business of processing and trading agriculture goods.
Location Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India
Agriculture Appreal & Fashion Textile
Kalpataru Cotton Processors Private Limited is engaged in the business of sale of cotton seeds, cotton bales.
Location Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India
Electrical Textile Transportation
Bhansali Trailors Private Limited is engaged in the manufacturing and marketing of agricultural implements and trailers.
Location Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India
Bmjr Agro Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing healthcare services.
Location Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India
Punyashlok Agro Producer Company Limited is engaged in the business of support activities to agricultural and post-harvest crop activities.
Location Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India
Gitai Farmer Producer Company Limited is engaged in the business of preservation and refrigeration of agricultural produces and trading agriculture products.
Location Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India
Musical Instruments Chemicals Agriculture Fertilizers
Popular Organic Private Limited was earlier known as Popular Organics Private Limited, it is engaged in the business of trading in fertilizers and pesticides.