Atul | Business Directory | The Company Check
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Total Company: 12
Location Atul, Gujarat, India
Atul Natural Foods Limited is engaged in the business of producer, health and diet drinks, supplier concessionaire or otherwise to deal in all types of natural foods, soft drinks, packed foods, importer, tea, dealer, food products, soft drinks concentrates, exporter, poultry products, aerated water, transporter, protein foods, seller, carbonated and non-carbonated drinks, fruit juices, effervescent drinks, stockiest, trader whether as a wholesaler or retailer, buyer, reseller, including but not limited to fruits, fruit pulp, vegetables, syrups, milk foods, distributor, agro foods, health foods, franchise holders, beverages, milk, researcher, among others.
Location Atul, Gujarat, India
Atul Seeds Limited is engaged in the business of trading agriculture products.
Location Atul, Gujarat, India
Amal Speciality Chemicals Limited is engaged in the business to manufacture, transport, store, and generally carry on the business or deal or traffic in chemicals of any nature and kind including organic and inorganic chemicals whatsoever (solid, install, warehousing, flakes, estimate, liquid and gaseous), analytical chemicals, natural and synthetic and other derivatives, bye products and compounds of any nature and kind whatsoever and chemical auxiliaries, contract manufacturing, refine, dealers in chemical nature and kind whatsoever.
Location Atul, Gujarat, India
Real Estate Financial Services
Atul Nivesh Limited is engaged in the business of investment activities.
Location Atul, Gujarat, India
Trading Other Industry Agriculture
Jonathan Agrotech Private Limited is engaged in the business of generally dealing in plant and machine, and all types of fertilizers and modern agricultural implements, farming, implements, substances, agricultural equipment used for processing and preserving forest produce, mist blowers, sericulture, fuel oils, sale of tractors, export, deep freeze equipment and all types of equipment required for the purposes of the animal husbandry, crafts and trawlers, fishing boats, used for the purposes of protection of plants such as chemicals, tools, goods or things of any description including but limited to buy, power tillers, accessories, gadgets, pisciculture, agricultural produce and other food materials originating from animals, cold storage facilities, poultry, sprayers, fishing nets, import, forestry, dusters, materials, lubricants and such other articles.
Location Atul, Gujarat, India
Food And Beverages Textile Appreal & Fashion
Atul Natural Dyes Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturers, reseller, dealer, franchise holders, trader whether as a wholesaler or retailer, importer, transporter, exporter, supplier concessionaire or otherwise to deal in all types and varieties of natural dyes, dyestuff, distributor, seller, use, stockiest, auxiliaries chemicals and to obtain, intermediates, producer, textiles, buyer, procure, researcher, sell technologies thereof.
Location Atul, Gujarat, India
Food And Beverages Textile Chemicals
Atul Products Limited is engaged in the business of providing manufacturing facilities for basic and specialty chemicals.
Location Atul, Gujarat, India
Chemicals Pharmaceuticals Software
Atul Bioscience Limited was earlier known as Atul Pharmaceuticals Limited, The company is engaged in manufacturing and marketing APIs (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients).
Location Atul, Gujarat, India
Atul Fin Resources Limited is engaged in the business as financiers and to lend and advance money and assets of all kinds or give credit on any terms or mode and with or without security to any individual, charge, hire purchase, factoring, microfinance and to enter into guarantees, body corporate or any other entity be it termed as asset finance, to borrow and raise money in any manner for the purpose of any business of the company or of any company in which the company is interested and to secure the repayment of any money borrowed, security, contracts of indemnity and surety ship of all kinds, raised or owing by mortgage, lease finance, firm, and standard security.