Bandra | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Bandra? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 1-50 has it all.
Total Company: 23
Location Bandra, Maharashtra, India
Financial Services Business Services
Fouress Consultants Private Limited is engaged in providing management consultancy services.
Location Bandra, Maharashtra, India
Smith Stone Walters Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing professional, technical and business services.
Location Bandra, Maharashtra, India
Art Entertainment Broadcasting
Vijaydan Detha Creation Art Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing entertainment, literature, and artistic services.
Location Bandra, Maharashtra, India
Jagan Exports & Trading Private Limited is engaged in the business to export, sell, eggs, import, cereals, buy, and otherwise deal in food grains, poultry, spices, and instant food.
Location Bandra, Maharashtra, India
Annapurna Energy Private Limited was earlier known as Fins Erp Private Limited, it is engaged in the business of generating, distributing energy from non-conventional energy sources on a commercial basis.
Location Bandra, Maharashtra, India
Tourism And Accommodation Transportation
Leamigo Private Limited is engaged in the travel agency and tour operator business.
Location Bandra, Maharashtra, India
Bob Capital Markets Limited is engaged in operating as an SEBI registered Category I merchant banker and also has a small broking business.
Location Bandra, Maharashtra, India
Gs Gem Scan Laboratories Private Limited is engaged in the business in India and abroad to act as a gemological laboratory, including diamond certification, other precious and semi precious metals, platinum, assessment of gold, jewelry assessment, silver, gemstone indentification services, consulting services, and certification of diamonds.
Location Bandra, Maharashtra, India
Financial Services Professional Services Business Services
Merisis Advisors Private Limited is engaged in providing consultancy services.