Barhi | Business Directory | The Company Check
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Total Company: 7
Location Barhi, Haryana, India
Musical Instruments Trading Wood Paper Industrial Manufacturing
Deerfos India Private Limited was earlier known as Kaico Deer Abrasive Private Limited, it was formed to operate the business as manufacturers, buyers, suppliers, exporters, dealers, traders, representatives, agents, sellers, importers, stockists, processors of all kinds of abrasive products.
Location Barhi, Jharkhand, India
Barhi Poultry Farming And Vegetable Cultivation Producer Company Limited is engaged in the business of producing, manufacturing, purchasing, procuring, pooling, exporting, importing, developing, marketing, handling, packaging, and dealing in seed production and vegetable contribution of the members or import of goods and services and easy availability of farmer produces and distribution of patronage and distribution of patronage among the members.
Location Barhi, Haryana, India
Membership Organizations Other Industry
Barhi Cetp Association is engaged in the business to set up, implement running and maintenance of Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) for usage of industries to make the pollution free environment and intends to carry out all the activities for the welfare of the industries.
Location Barhi, Jharkhand, India
Chouhan And Chouhan Developers Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing general construction services of other civil engineering works.
Location Barhi, Haryana, India
Vee Fabrics Private Limited is engaged in the business of wholesale trading of textiles yarn and fabrics.