Basti | Business Directory | The Company Check
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Total Company: 392
Location Basti, Uttar Pradesh, India
Trading Food And Beverages Agriculture
Chaudhary Flour Mills Private Limited is engaged in the business to manufacture, re-rolling of wheat, rolling, mix, distributor or otherwise to deal in all its branches and to set up & run mills for milling, grade, produce, paddy and /or to convert makes of all kinds for manufacturing of rava, representative, extract, stocks, seller, suji, atta, compound, importer, agent, protect, disinfect, crush, clean, commercialize, develop, broker, supply, rice, maida, grind, transport, finish, refine, barn, exporter, and to act as buyer, besan, and other allied products by whatever name called and to do all incidental act as and things necessary for the attainment of the said objects.