Benaulim | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Benaulim? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 1-50 has it all.
Total Company: 13
Location Benaulim, Goa, India
Trading Chemicals Pharmaceuticals
Hannor Pharma Private Limited is engaged in the business as manufacturers, retailers, sellers, distributors, importers, wholesalers, whether auyrvedic, homeopathic, processors, allopathic, cosmetics, agent, restoratives, packers, buyers, stockists, medicines, re sellers, laboratory chemicals and their allied products or their raw materials, exporters, pharmaceuticals, or otherwise deal in all types of drugs, or any other kind whatsoever and to act as general chemists and druggist.
Location Benaulim, Goa, India
Business Services Paper Logistics
Ang Transport And Travels Private Limited is engaged in the business of general logistic service provider.
Location Benaulim, Goa, India
Aquaculture Food And Beverages
Joecons Marine Exports Private Limited is engaged in the business of trading/ processing and storing of fish including fish food, herbs and medicines and other marine and fresh water products.
Location Benaulim, Goa, India
Aquaculture Food And Beverages
Joecons Seafoods Private Limited is engaged in the business of purchase, medicines and herbs, farming, process, export and storing of fish and crustaceans including fish food, procure, and other marine and freshwater products.
Location Benaulim, Goa, India
Comarcol Food Private Limited is engaged in the business of operating restaurants and bars.
Location Benaulim, Goa, India
Wellness Spa Resort Private Limited is engaged in the business of owning and running health units for tourists comprising of health and wellness centers, spas, Turkish baths, other accommodations and providing therein facilities of gymnasiums, swimming pools, thermal pools and showers.
Location Benaulim, Goa, India
Benaulim Tourist Services Goa Private Limited is engaged in the business of planting, cultivation and fertilization of crops.
Location Benaulim, Goa, India
Silken Sands Hotels Private Limited is engaged in the business as hoteliers, refreshment managers and contractors, mill and snack bar proprietors, refreshment room proprietors, convention centers, cafe and tavern proprietors, hotel managers and operators, bakers, restaurant keepers, lodging house proprietors, hotel proprietors, confectioners, blenders and bottlers.
Location Benaulim, Goa, India
Telecommunication Business Services Information Technology
Lukestar Digital Private Limited is engaged in the transmission of signals for internet and telecom-based cable services to end subscribers and corporate customers.
Location Benaulim, Goa, India
Altoga Green Sustainable Solutions Private Limited is engaged in the business to fabricate, export, specifications, supplier, research and to act as an agent, collaborator, sell, job, wholesale, develop, franchiser, or otherwise to deal in all shapes, stockist, worker, contractor, sizes, description, consignor, sub-contractor, remove, broker, retail, capacities, finish, alter, buy, varieties, design, distributor, vendor, brander, import, applications, consultant, uses and wattages of renewable energy saving electrical and electronic equipmentÕs, and products.
Location Benaulim, Goa, India
Business Services Financial Services
Sete Mares Global Forex Private Limited is engaged in the business of dealers in foreign exchange currency, to act as custodian of foreign currency, money changer, securities and stock, safe deposits and other related activities.