Bhiwandi, Thane | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Bhiwandi, Thane? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 101-150 has it all.
Total Company: 363
Location Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, India
Dignify Healthcare Private Limited is engaged in the business to manufacture, compound, add, representative, yeasts, bio-chemic used for treatment, ferments, specifications, herbal, concentrate, middleman, surgical plaster of paris, surgical dressings, basic drugs, siddha, formulate, hormones, prepare, homeopathic, preserve, cure and healthcare of human beings and animals including, ayurvedic, liasioner, and to act as agent, produce, strengths and applications of pharmaceutical and chemical products of medicament in all its branches such as allopathic, mix, remove, vitamins, stockiest, diagnostic agents, descriptions, pack, broker, adatia, repack, unani, job worker or otherwise to deal in all types, biological and immunological chemicals, steroids, treat, contraceptives, enzymes, tonics, collaborator, intermediates, process, disinfect, consultant, pure, medicals gases, antibiotics, oils and tinctures medicinal products in all forms.