Bijapur | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Bijapur? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 251-300 has it all.
Total Company: 244
Location Bijapur, Karnataka, India
Sr Green Energy Private Limited is engaged in the business of transmission of electricity, gas, and green energy.
Location Bijapur, Karnataka, India
Mangalwedhe Sunsoya Limited. is engaged in the business to manufacture, process, deal and export in all kinds of edible oils, and mineral oils, produce, medical oils, vegetable oils, and all products and byproducts thereof.
Location Bijapur, Karnataka, India
Bhagirathi Motors Private Limited is engaged in the business in India or elsewhere the business as dealers in Suzuki two wheelerÕs, and to maintain in India or elsewhere the showroom and to carry on the business of dealers in the spare parts of the motorcycles and many more.
Location Bijapur, Karnataka, India
Shree Godawari-Laxmi Hotels Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing accommodation and food services.
Location Bijapur, Karnataka, India
Chemicals Animal Husbandry Fertilizers Software Agriculture
Jas Agrotech Private Limited is engaged in the business of software development services.
Location Bijapur, Karnataka, India
Animal Husbandry Fertilizers Agriculture
Shanti-Jeevan Agro Foods India Private Limited is engaged in the business of agriculture services.
Location Bijapur, Karnataka, India
Animal Husbandry Fertilizers Agriculture
Hemu Agritech Private Limited is engaged in the business to undertake the work of dissemination of technical know-how to farmer and other related in the similar field, fisheries, and allied activities and to undertake engaged and other be connected in contract farming, poultry, horticulture, animal husbandry, production and productivity of all agriculture, and others.
Location Bijapur, Karnataka, India
Information Technology Software
Iwords Technologies Private Limited is engaged in the business of creating websites, advertising solutions, hosting solutions, application development, web development, domain registrar, acting as a premium publisher and sharing advertising income between company and website customers.