Bikaner | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Bikaner? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 151-200 has it all.
Total Company: 1281
Location Bikaner, Rajasthan, India
Metal & Minerals Ceramics Construction Material
Tirupati Balaji Plaster Private Limited is engaged in the business to produce, such as pipes, compounds, blast furnace, purchase, treat, pozzolana, colored, ordinary, and deal in all types and kinds of plaster of Paris, port-land, blocks, lime pipes, import, tiles, process, asbestos sheets, building materials and otherwise and articles things, refine, garden wares, silica and other varieties of cement or all descriptions, prepare, sell, export, cement, alumina, white, manufacture, plaster of Paris, poles, slabs, and preparations connected with the aforesaid products.
Location Bikaner, Rajasthan, India
Shree Charbhuja Agro Industries Private Limited is engaged in the business as manufacturers, fertilizers, micro-nutrients, buyers, fungicides, manures, traders, exporters, plant foods, distributors, merchants, pesticides, or otherwise deal in all kinds of agricultural-inputs essential for plant growth like seeds, suppliers, producers, retailers, growers, insecticides, wholesalers, importers, sellers, urea and other types of organic or inorganic or mixed fertilizers of synthetic or natural origin and all types of chemicals used in horticulture.
Location Bikaner, Rajasthan, India
Hansa Agrocom Private Limited is engaged in the business of trading agro products.
Location Bikaner, Rajasthan, India
Shanti Infrapromoters Private Limited is engaged in providing trade services of residential buildings.
Location Bikaner, Rajasthan, India
Beechhwal Eco-Friendly Foundation is engaged in the business of collection, purification and distribution of water.