Biswanath | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Biswanath? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 1-50 has it all.
Total Company: 4
Location Biswanath, Assam, India
Food And Beverages Agriculture
New Manas Tea Estates Pvt Ltd is engaged in the processing and trading of black tea.
Location Biswanath, Assam, India
Agriculture Food And Beverages
Biswanath Tea Industry Private Limited is engaged in the business of planters, cultivators, tea gardens, open out work and carry on the business of a tea estate or tea estate on any lands, take on lease or in exchange or otherwise acquire any lands, plantations and property as the company may think necessary or convenient for its business and to form, buyers and sellers of coffee, works, to acquire construct and maintain factories, tea seed and in this connection to purchase, tea, establishment, buildings and erections for all or any of the purposes aforesaid.
Location Biswanath, Assam, India
Satbhani Potato Producer Company Limited is engaged in providing support services to agriculture.
Location Biswanath, Assam, India
Samiran Infrastructure Private Limited is engaged in the business of site preparation for mining minerals and sit preparation for construction activities such as road construction.