Caranzalem | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Caranzalem? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 1-50 has it all.
Total Company: 14
Location Caranzalem, Goa, India
Faldessai Mines And Minerals International Private Limited is engaged in the business of crushing, smelting, winning, quarrying, getting, work, or otherwise acquire any mine, calcining refining, and any interest therein and to explore, ores, mining right and meta ferrous land in India or elsewhere, polishing and preparing for market, metal substances, cutting, marbles granite of all kinds and to carry on the business of mines and mines owners and to purchase, take on lease, develop mining infrastructure and turn to account the same.
Location Caranzalem, Goa, India
Construction Plastics Forest & Wildlife
Reis Magos Estate Private Limited is engaged in the business of estate developers, designers, plans, advisers, structural, builders, building experts, promoters, real estate agents, civil contractors and engineers, drawings, engineering, dealers in building materials of all types and also to act as consultant of all materials of architecture, interior designing and to prepare complete scheme, estimates including layouts of buildings township and other civil work.
Location Caranzalem, Goa, India
Tourism And Accommodation Hospitality & Wellness
Chubbs Hospitality Private Limited is engaged in providing accommodation, food and beverage services.
Location Caranzalem, Goa, India
Aparanta Minerals Private Limited is engaged in the business of mining and minerals.
Location Caranzalem, Goa, India
Brat Agro Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing cow husbandry, goat husbandry, and sheep husbandry services.
Location Caranzalem, Goa, India
Mvr Automotive Private Limited is engaged in the business of authorized dealer in Goa for sales of cars and after sales services to car of jeep motor vehicles.
Location Caranzalem, Goa, India
Tourism And Accommodation Business Services
Arthashastra Securities Consultancy Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing accommodation services.
Location Caranzalem, Goa, India
Tropical Mushrooms (Goa) Private Limited is engaged in cultivating and selling fresh mushroom under the brand name, Dr Kurade's.
Location Caranzalem, Goa, India
Agriculture Food And Beverages
Zuari Foods And Farms Private Limited is engaged in growing of mushrooms and truffles.