Chamrajpet | Business Directory | The Company Check
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Total Company: 4
Location Chamrajpet, Karnataka, India
Trading Other Industry Pharmaceuticals
Bhojani Pharma Private Limited is engaged in the business of druggists, chemical, industrial and other preparation and articles, drugs, photo-graphical, paints, oil men importers and manufacturers on and dealers in pharmaceutical, compounds, medical, oils, dye-ware, makers of and dealers in proprietary articles of kinds, and of electrical chemical, pigments and varnishes, chemists, surgical and scientific apparatus and materials.
Location Chamrajpet, Karnataka, India
Trading Other Industry Chemicals
Manoj Medisales Private Limited is engaged in the business of druggists, medical, oil men importers and manufacturers on and dealers in pharmaceutical, drugs, and of electrical chemical, paints, makers of and dealers in proprietary articles of kinds, dye-ware, chemists, photo-graphical, pigments and varnishes, compounds, oils, chemical, industrial and other preparation and articles, surgical and scientific apparatus and materials.
Location Chamrajpet, Karnataka, India
Trading Electrnoics Industrial Manufacturing
Aquafill Pumps Private Limited was earlier known as Mohan Bhoomi Private Limited, it is engaged in the business to design, and import of all types of pump sets, sell, manufacture, export, electrical switches, distribute, pipes, and allied accessories, motors, produce, purchase, wires, and spare parts.