Chordi | Business Directory | The Company Check
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Total Company: 1
Location Chordi, Gujarat, India
Astron Multigrain Private Limited is engaged in the business to manufacture, purees beans, preserving, sauces, produce, bottling, canning, and to refinement, prepare, packing, flavor noodles, fried noodles with namkeens, cup noodles, manipulate, distribute, preservation, snacks, processing, jelly pulp, freezing, use, process, cocktail, sell, reigning, namkeens and such other types of edible consumable products suitable for food products marketed either in single, cooked or boiled or fried foods, fruit products squash, fast food, bottling, fruit juice, healthy food, syrups, vegetable products, import, the export of all types of noodles such as fried noodles, bag noodles, ketchup, soup, buy or otherwise acquire, market, dehydration, packing and repacking of breakfast cereal products, small or bulk packs.