Colaba, Mumbai | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Colaba, Mumbai? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 1-50 has it all.
Total Company: 7
Location Colaba, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Business Services Information Technology
Rdandx India Private Limited is engaged in IT consulting services.
Location Colaba, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Eloise Energy Private Limited is engaged in the business of producers, geothermal, transmitters, distributors, solar, procurers, hydel and/or from non-conventional sources such as tidal wave, without limitation to conventional sources such as heat, all form of energy and any such products and by-products derived from such business including without limitation, wind, fuels, generators, storers, manufacturers, including, processors, conversion of ash into bricks and any products derived from or connected with any other form of energy, thermal, steam, floating solar, biological, converters, developers, suppliers, ash, carriers and dealers in electricity, transformers, biogas and coal bed methane.
Location Colaba, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Energy Utilities Renewable Energy
Atnu Solar Private Limited is engaged in business of producers, hydel and/or from non-conventional sources such as-tidal wave, converters, generators, suppliers, steam, ash, distributors, fuels, geothermal, thermal, procurers, wind, transformers, manufacturers, all form of energy and any such products and by-products derived from such business including without limitation, biological, including, carriers and dealers in electricity, transmitters, developers, stores, floating solar, without limitation to conventional sources such as heat, processors, conversion of ash into bricks and any products derived from or connected with any other form of energy, solar, bio gas and coal bed methane.
Location Colaba, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Arina Solar Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturers, maintainers, of all kinds of renewable energy modules and systems, and operators, accessories, dealers, producers, repairers, modules, batteries, including solar photovoltaic systems, and fabricators, inverters, and hybrid systems.
Location Colaba, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Duristar Infrastructure Private Limited is engaged in the business of construction/infrastructure.