Dahisar | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Dahisar? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 1-50 has it all.
Total Company: 7
Location Dahisar, Maharashtra, India
Trading Other Industry Metal & Minerals
Snb Mercantile Private Limited was earlier known as Boond Mercantile Private Limited, it was formed to operate the business as buyers, sellers, minerals, handicraft articles, suppliers, distributors, consumer goods, glass and glass products, household goods, gift articles, marble, hire purchase dealers, hardware and stores, dairy products, tobacco, exporters, all types of automobiles, stockiest, importers, rubber and rubber products, natural and man-made fiber textile and yarn of all kinds, ready-made garments, commercial, commission agent and dealers of all and any kinds of agricultural products, industrial components, bricks and other stones of all types wire and wire products insulating all types of electrical goods, machinery and their parts, traders, paper and paper products, merchants, metals, food articles, plastics and electronic parts and devices.
Location Dahisar, Maharashtra, India
Financial Services Food And Beverages
Parth Multitrade India Private Limited was earlier known as Swift Venture Private Limited, it is engaged in the business of trading grains, and oleaginous fruits, seeds, oil seeds, and animal feeds.
Location Dahisar, Maharashtra, India
Trading Business Services Textile
Falpar Multitrade Private Limited is engaged in the business of trading textiles.
Location Dahisar, Maharashtra, India
Equipment & Machinery Metal & Minerals Steel
Arcraft Plasma Equipments (India) Pvt Ltd is engaged in the business of manufacture plasma cutting machines with cutting capacity up to 150 mm thick SS plates.
Location Dahisar, Maharashtra, India
Trading Professional Services Pharmaceuticals
Biotech Solutions & Pharmaceuticals Limited is engaged in trading of chemicals and bulk drugs.