Davangere | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Davangere? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 151-200 has it all.
Total Company: 210
Location Davangere, Karnataka, India
Trading Business Services Jewelry & Fashion Accessories
Devigold Jewel Private Limited is engaged in the business of trading gold ornaments, jewelries and other precious items.
Location Davangere, Karnataka, India
Musical Instruments Food And Beverages
Shamanur Starch Private Limited is engaged in the business of setting up, fiber, owning, trading, acquiring, glucose, buying, selling, extraction plant for extracting the by-products like, starch, licensing, gluten, exporting, manufacturing, importing, developing of all kinds, generating, distributing, germ, types and descriptions of corn products, producing, corn processing plant, promoting, steep water and all other related activities.
Location Davangere, Karnataka, India
Mathrushree Electricals Private Limited is engaged in manufacturing and supplying of energy saving CFL lamps, spiral and full spiral CFL lamps.
Location Davangere, Karnataka, India
Mbcity Infrastructures India Private Limited is engaged in the business of real estate development and contract.
Location Davangere, Karnataka, India
Plastics Trading Other Industry Electrical
Pvc Pumps Private Limited is engaged in providing trading services through e-commerce platforms.
Location Davangere, Karnataka, India
R N Agriseeds Private Limited is engaged in the business to acquire, including grapes, oranges, sericulture, preservers and sellers of the products of such horticulture, processors, apples, exporter, fruits, floriculture, sericulture, floriculture, cultivators, of all kinds of seeds, mangoes proprietor of orchards and traders, dealers, purchase or take on lease the agricultural land anywhere in the country and the business of horticulture, seeds and cultivation and manufacturers of drinks including beverages produced from such products or otherwise.
Location Davangere, Karnataka, India
Shivanagouda Hospital Private Limited is engaged in the business to acquire, establish, and maintain one or more hospital/hospitals for the reception and treatment of persons suffering from illness or mental defect or for reception and treatment of persons.
Location Davangere, Karnataka, India
Recycling & Waste Management Textile Other Industry
Sree Chandrodaya Mills Private Limited is engaged in the manufacturing of gold jewelry.
Location Davangere, Karnataka, India
Excelink Career Solutions Private Limited is engaged in providing student career counseling services.